Mennonite Canadian Team Partners with Us

In March, we hosted a Mennonite Canadian team. Henry Fehr, team leader, brought 15 team members including his wife and three daughters. (See photo 1.) We were deeply blessed that another denomination would partner with our church to help with our building project. They worked in Riobamba on the Sierra Centro District Center, which is an on-going Work & Witness project. (See photo 2.)
At first, we were confused by their Canadian "accent" but then realized that they were speaking German! We became a trilingual team. The team worked very hard at laying blocks, pouring floors, and working alongside our indigenous men and women. We handed out invitations to the Jesus Film showing that has held on a cold night in front of the newly finished church at the District Center. (See photo 3.) About 20 people warmly accepted the invitation to receive Christ into their hearts that night. Teens from the mother church were there to talk with the new converts to get names and addresses.
One afternoon, the women took time out from cooking to hold a Bible School for area children. They heard the story of Noah and then pasted animal crackers, with frosting, on the ark that they had brightly colored. The group also invited Diego and his family to share his testimony and then encouraged them by praying for the family. Diego testified how the Lord had delivered him from Satanic worship. He went to a Jesus Film showing when invited by a friend.
We say "thank you" to the hard working Mennonite team for partnering with us in our building of the Kingdom in Ecuador. May God richly bless you for your giving.
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