ONU Spends Their Spring Break Participating in a Film Production
We got to try something new in the way of ministry and I will try to explain it so you can understand. Brian and Lynne Utter are former missionaries to Argentina where Brian worked in the communications department specifically in the area of World Radio Broadcast. Brian and Leonardo Longo from our Communications department decided to have some of the communications film department from ONU Olivet Nazarene University come and partner with his team, Enclave to help with the filming of a video production of the fifth season of a women's ministries program called "Mujer Valiosa" The Valuable Woman. Brian and Lynne brought 17 college students to help with the filming and the Enclave team had 10 workers. By the team we had all the presenters and Doctors as guest speakers, we had as many as 50 on set sometimes. Some of the ONU students were not even communications majors but got to experience the field of film and production.
The Work and Witness Center was totally transformed into three sets. One set was a cooking show, another crafts and the other was a set where guest speakers came in to talk about different subjects such as fashion, child psychology, and health. Things that concern women of today.
The Students also went off site to different areas around Quito to spas and health centers. One of the spas was owned by a christian lady and her husband that have a place where anyone can receive treatment but it was designed for children with physical needs that can come and get different muscle treatments. One is putting your feet in the water and the tiny fish come and nibble their feet or they can ride horses and participate in treatments that are available to to them free of charge.
Two of the teams traveled to other cities to film ministries and testimonies of conversions to Christ.
The students also attended other places of ministry such as a recycle ministry day care.
Since the kitchen was made into a set we prepared meals in our house and then ate outside. The students were very helpful in setting up the meal, preparing the meals and carrying the food back and forth. Filming is a tricky business and can be very long and grueling. Sometimes we didn't get done filming until 9 or 10 at night and then we ate dinner but always finished out the night with a great time of affirming someone by something they did or said during the day and devotions.
We are excited about this new ministry opportunity and it is already in the planning for next year.