December 07, 2006

Eldon Team

Eldon Team
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
A team mostly made up of people from Eldon, MO, was here to work on the new construction at the Eucaliptos Church in North Quito. The team was divided with 8-12 men working at the seminary property building trusses (shown here), 7-8 men working at the construction site, and, of course, several women working in the kitchen and laundry.

Installing a Truss

Originally uploaded by S Hall.
Here's a picture of one of the trusses being installed.

A View from the Top

on top 02
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
The team got the walls up, the concrete poured and six trusses built. When they left, one truss was in place. Bruce McKellips and his workers placed the other trusses after the team left.