October 19, 2006

Ladies Tea

Ladies Tea
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
Recently during a W&W trip to Quito, the women of the Sun City, AZ team invited all of the missionary women to a special afternoon tea. The team members served special treats and delicious tea. One woman gave a devotion and everyone shared in the special atmosphere of encouragement. Each of the missionaries left feeling very pampered and appreciated. Thank you Arizona ladies!

Up, Up It Goes!

Up, Up It Goes!
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
The Arizona team worked on the Eucalyptus church near Quito, Ecuador. They built block walls and one retaining wall.

For many team members this was NOT the first time they came to work in Ecuador. We appreciate their love for missions and their dedication to our field.

New Floor

New Floor
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
The Arizona team also poured cement columns and two cement floors.

The Crew

The Crew
Originally uploaded by S Hall.
The team enjoyed working with the locals. Everyone has smiles at the end of a long week of hard work.